

Create a Web Site


include_once("classes/dbClass.php"); include_once("classes/clsAccountFeature.php"); include_once("classes/clsAccountType.php"); include_once("classes/clsSite.php"); $dir = "testimonials"; // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) $files[] = $file; }//end while closedir($dh); //echo count($files); $num = rand(0,count($files)-1); $Testimony = file_get_contents($dir . "/" . $files[$num]); }//endif }//endif $DB = ≠w dbClass(); session_start(); if(isset($_GET['siteid'])){ $siteid = $_GET['siteid']; }elseif(isset($_SESSION['siteid'])){ $siteid = $_SESSION['siteid']; }else{ $siteid = 1; }//endif $storeid = 0; //session_register("siteid"); $_SESSION['siteid'] = $siteid; //session_register("storeid"); $_SESSION['storeid'] = $storeid; //$siteid = 1; //$storeid = 0; $clsSite = ≠w Site($DB, $siteid); ?>

WithinMySite.com has been working in the Internet market since 1995. Since that time we have seen many wonderful and awful things come from the Internet world. We have taken strides to make the Internet a better place for our families.

As the economy struggles we are seeing more and more mothers leaving the home in search of employment to help provide for the family. We understand that in some circumstances this is a necessary step, but are doing our best to alleviate that burden on mothers, fathers and their children.

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