Title - Web Site Design, Web Site Designers, Web site marketing for Wineries & Wine-related businesses in Napa Valley, Sonoma, Mendocino, Anderson Valley, Paso Robles, Finger Lakes, New York, Lodi, Monterrey, Oregon, & other wine producing areas..


WorldZOO creates Web sites and consults wine industry clients about their Web sites. We are experts at creating Web sites. This page you will learn more about Alex Farr and Chris Zachrisson, founders of, Inc. Learn about our business model & management.

WorldZOO was established nearly 6 years ago by two long-long friends and colleagues, Alex Farr and Christopher Zachrisson. Combining 20 years of technical, business development, and strategic consulting skills, we established WorldZOO because of our passion for helping businesses succeed with a compelling Web presence. Today we have a strong network of 65 Web developers.

We have grown 25%-50% each year in business while successfully completing projects for hundreds of clients. During this economic slowdown, not only have we endured, we have grown by acquiring two firms to better serve our clients. Due in part to our clients' referrals, and our successful business model, we have been successful EVERY quarter since inception!

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