
Virginia City, Montana - Home Page


The History Directory

The history of Virginia City, Montana is important to the State of Montana and to its residents because Virginia City was the birthplace of Montana and the cradle of much Montana and United States History. The history of Virginia City, Montana is important to the entire United States because strategic events were worked out in Virginia City during the Civil War. That History begins on 16 June 1863 with the registration of the town site of the new settlement as "Verona", their spelling of Varina, the wife of the President of the Confederate States of America. Virginia City began as Varina, in Idaho Territory, truly a Rebel town in Union territory during the Civil War. Varina

The gold produced in Virginia City was strategic to the Civil War, which was being fought while the new city was being founded. The issue was the control of that far-away gold producing territory, either by the South, who had the majority of citizens, or by the North, whose land it was. With a beginning like that, it is no surprise that the early history of Virginia City is filled with lawless conflict. The lack of documentation results in extensive historic disagreement. What really happened in those formative and important Civil War years is still unfolding in a dramatic and stirring series of confusing revelations, as new information is discovered.

You can join us as we discover new historic documents by finding them for us "back in the States". (Nearly forty thousand people lived near here and they all left, taking with them their letters and journals. Those documents are "back in the States". Tell us what you find.) Help us discover what was really going on here. Did the Vigilantes write their own history to protect themselves? Involve yourself in our exciting history. Civil War History

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Sargent, Thomas
virginia city MT
US 59755

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