


Excerpted from the website:

Our church began in 1974 as a neighborhood Bible study in the home of Haskell and Betty Franklin. As the hunger to know more about Jesus Christ grew, so did the size of the study group, and it became necessary to find a larger place in which to gather. The small white church building up on the little hill on Mitchell Lane became the home of Valley Chapel of Prayer. Thirty years ago, that original building held 40-50 people. As the Holy Ghost moved, the body of believers there grew rapidly, and in just a few years, the building had to be enlarged to double its capacity. Countless souls were led to Christ by Hack's ministry and the love of Jesus that he shared so freely. Lives were changed, and the Holy Ghost was poured out in Valley Station. Brother Hack and Betty's home was always open for fellowship, and Valley Chapel became known as a church full of love.
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