
UK metric association


About UKMA

The UK Metric Association (UKMA) is an independent, non-party political, single issue organisation which advocates the full adoption of the international metric system (“Système International” - SI) for all official, trade, legal, contractual and other purposes in the United Kingdom as soon as practicable. We also campaign for better consumer protection through accurate and consistent use of metric units of measurement in order to achieve price transparency.

In the mid-20th century, British industry recognised that there were substantial benefits to industry, trade and education by implementing the metric system. In response, in 1965, the Government announced plans to adopt the metric system in Britain within 10 years and led the entire Commonwealth to do the same. More than 40 years later we are the only Commonwealth country that has not completed the transition, and British people now have to cope with two incompatible systems without adequate help or support. As a result, the British public is poorly informed and has an insecure grasp of measurement units. A Department of Education study in 2002 showed that one in three adults could not calculate the floor area of a room in either metric or imperial!

The ‘UK Metrication Association' was founded by Chris Keenan in 1999. This was a initially a website aimed at countering misinformation provided to the media on metrication issues; at that time nobody (including government departments) was willing to express a pro-metric view. Later an e-mail forum was started for supporters of metrication.

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