supplier of Bird Flu masks, gas masks


gas masks and bird flu masks


bird flu masks new gas masks. Gas masks uk and worldwide nbc protection for civil defence.


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland b976tr

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Community Reviews

uksurvive's website looks good and they seem to have a good range of products, but their customer service is appalling and i recommend others to avoid them. I placed an order an order over the phone and paid in full on the 2nd January 2008. They promised to deliver within 5 working days which i thought reasonable. That time soon passed by and i still didnt have my order by the 9th January, so i called them up. The receptionist was unable to provide me with any information on my order, but said they would leave a message for someone to call me back. I hadn't been called back by late afternoon on the 10th January, so i called them again and again left details for someone to call me back. Still noone did. I then started calling them up and sending emails chasing the status of my order. All in all i called more than 20 times and sent 4 emails including 2 to the managing director Nick Powell. Still no response from them. Really how hard would it have been for anyone to pick up the phone and call a customer or respond to an email? I am now in the process of trying to get my money back through my credit card company. If anyone from uksurvive reads this check order 2097.

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