USF Version 2.0

The Global Mind Shift Version – 2.0

Imagine living a good life where you are actively involved with your neighbors and you all live in prosperous harmony. You all have comfortable houses, plenty to eat, ample leisure time, and the air and water are fresh and clean. There is very little strife in the world and the top stories in the media are about great achievements, inventions, and key social projects. All of this can become real by deploying integrated production systems, producing an abundance of basic goods and services, and providing a place to fit for anyone in the community that wants to participate.

Our communities would still trade in the global marketplace but we would have an option to work at a slower pace while we are going to school, or retraining after a downsizing, or while our children are too young for school, or after a disability, and for those who cannot or choose not to seek a career in business or government. There would be a flowering of human creativity and certainly less stress in our lives.

Integrated systems of production use assets to support as many different processes as possible. The different processes are arranged so that the production of one process becomes the feed stock of the next process – creating internal production and consumption cycles. In the case of food production this means including as many different species as possible. It is difficult to make a monetary profit from integrated systems to produce basic goods and services because, as they become productive, the market value of the production is reduced. As a community owned production system, the system can be tuned to produce goods and services sufficient to meet the needs of the community, and members of the community can earn a share of production, creating the incentive to contribute.


The Upward Spiral [1]

Bill Mollison [2]

Greening the Desert [3]

Michael Pollan [4]

This is not impractical or a communist plot. In the same way that the stock market allows you to invest your money in publicly traded companies, a community investment enterprise allows you to invest your time in the wellbeing of yourself, your family, your community and the local environment.

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