
Travel Visual, Visual World Travel and Knowledge Portal


Excerpted from the website:

Amber Technologies LTD, the owner of Travel Visual is Calgary, Alberta, Canada based company specializing in visual information on the Internet. Our background covers fine arts, technical photography, architecture, and computer science to support the mission to visualize the World. You can find written information about the World all over the Internet, but not very much on the visual side. Travel Visual is build as an interactive portal like frame to show you various places of the World startind with the North American West. Great consideration is given to let you preview the place for your next holiday in North America. If you are living here take a look on the destination of your next weekend. How many times have you passed by some Provincial Park and promised yourselves to visit it the "next time" not knowing if the Park is worth the additional 30 or 40 km out of your way?
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