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The spot currency market is generally accepted as the largest and most liquid market in the world. It is an over-the-counter market and is different from exchange traded products because it has no physical location or central exchange. Foreign exchange trading takes place in the world’s major financial trading centers with the main centres being New York, London, and Tokyo. The large number of diversified players makes it difficult for any one individual or organization to control the market.

Traders are attracted by the Monday/Friday 24 hour trading, the liquidity and general volatility. MTrade FX is a trading platform, which gives 24hour access to the forex market.

A forex quote is always a two-sided quote with a 'bid' and 'offer'. The 'bid' is the price at which you can sell the base currency (i.e. buy the second currency). The 'offer' is the price at which you can buy the base currency (i.e. sell the second currency).

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