
Tiffany Lamps of Today, by Deb Bowen


Excerpted from the website:

I worked in Corporate America for many years. The later part of those years were spent in the computer field in the airline industry. With the stress and pressures of everyday deadlines from over 455 different airlines, I was looking for a way to decompress. A friend insisted I take up a hobby or do something totally different to channel my energies in a different direction. I had always wanted to learn how to work with stained glass and embellish my creative side. I soon found a local college that offered continuing education classes in stained glass at night. I jumped at the chance to try my hand at the art medium. I quickly found myself thinking ahead about the next project I wanted to create even before I finished the current one. The more I read and studied this amazing art form the more I wanted to become really good at it. I wanted to push the envelope a bit so I decided to try my hand at creating a Tiffany Reproduction lamp. I quickly learned that much more skill and thought would be needed to accomplish this. I searched diligently to find a professional lamp maker with whom I could continue to learn and gain valuable experience. Fortunately, I found such a professional lamp maker and flew across the country to train under his direction. That was by far the best decision I have made in my lamp making career. Having the opportunity to train and learn the art of making Tiffany lamps with a person of his caliber has indeed cut years off my learning curve. I can offer my clients the best Tiffany Reproduction lamps made today at very affordable price points.
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