
Think Ecologically - Reduce Reuse Recycle - ECO the Butterfly - Florida

Eco the Butterfly™ is on a mission to educate, inspire and encourage everyone to think ECOlogically™ Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. ECO flies high and low across this abundant country. From his vantage point he has a special perspective of our world. He sees the beauty but also the harm we humans are doing to our natural environment. He believes every person can make a difference and he wants to show them how they can be a part of making our world a better place today and for future generations. That’s why the American Advertising Federation 4th District is using Eco the Butterfly™ to help with their 2008 Public Service Campaign.

Together with Eco™ we can help educate and motivate everyone to get involved in perhaps one of the most defining issues of our time.



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