Title : stolen - page 1


A theft alert is sent by email to hundreds of dealers in the UK and overseas, and it appears on, and in SalvoNEWS - a trade newsletter. Each theft alert gives the date the item was last seen, the approximate location (nearest town), details and a photo of the item, police contact details and police crime reference number. It does not contain any information personal to the loser.

Stolen architectural antiques, sculpture, antique garden ornament, church, churchyard and war memorials, and items illegally removed from protected monuments, buildings and landscapes. In fact anything which can be bought on

Salvo monitored recovery and kept statistics, checking each recovery with the police, between 1995 and 2001. The recovery rate during that six year period was 14 per cent. Since 2001 we have not kept stats but it would appear that recovery levels have dropped significantly. We believe there are two main reasons: the types of item being stolen are now harder to identify (flagstones, millstones, staddle stones, mass-produced iron seats etc) and the police have downgraded the priority level of the recovery of stolen goods due to a lack of resources and an increase in other types of crime.

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