The internet was made for flaming skullz!

Vinh Nguyen - Flaming skulls are totally effin' rad. They rulz my pants off! Totaly granular!

Since the dawn of the internet only one image has remained powerful enough to retain the title of "World Wide Web's Most Powerful GIF." And that image, such an image of horror, inspiration and brutality, is the flaming skull.

In it's early day the flaming skull was often static, a simple GIF with pixelated, dithered flames. It existed only online, never having graced the bounds outside of this cyberspace, this virtual reality. These days, however, the flaming skull graces all manner of ephemera, literature, film, art, even architecture.

Tread lightly around the flaming skull, for if you find yourself amused at its presence, you surely will be grief-stricken when you see it rotating (or spinning for that matter).

  1. {{{2}}} (visit) is something you should do. now! do it!
  2. {{{2}}} (visit) is a totally fricking rad anim gif of a spinning, flaming skull
  3. {{{2}}} (visit) : a place for half-Mexican / half-Vietnamese to freely frolic
  4. {{{2}}} (visit) is an evil parking page with that evil enom girl. I loathe her!
  5. {{{2}}} (visit) sells original, wicked-awesome, skull and skeleton art apparel
  6. {{{2}}} (visit) Free Jamie Voetsch Stock Photos for Emails & Personal Websites
  7. {{{2}}} (visit) Makers of niche jewelry items for bikers

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