
The Rustic Garden - Unique Items for Your Lawn and Garden


Doug and Judy moved to Central Oregon in 1989 when Doug was hired at a local wood products corporation. Judy started doing crafts shortly after the move, mostly as a way to keep busy and to meet new people. It wasn't until 1998, when she knew it was time to do something new and different, that was when Doug made for her the first metal sculpture for the yard. She thought it was wonderful and persuaded Doug into making more of them. This is how The Rustic Garden was born.

During the first year as Doug built metal items, Judy dabbled in wood crafts. At the end of 1999, Doug purchased a Plasma cutter for Judy and taught her how to use it. Now the two of them spend all their free time together... in the shop.

Besides producing and selling their metal menagerie, they enjoy traveling (on the "88" Heritage they own, weather permitting), music, gardening, and spending time with their 3 granddaughters.

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