
African Violet Pots from The Perfect Violet Pot


Beverly Pierson's 'The Perfect Violet Pot' is a phenomenon. To begin with, the brilliantly designed ceramic pots have revolutionized the process for growing African violets, creating quite an event in the gardening world. African violets have traditionally been a finicky plant to grow, consistently dying at the hands of their helpless caretakers. These ceramic pots, though, have made that once difficult task an effortless one.

The beautiful and artistic pots have caused quite a stir in the arts and crafts world as well. Because of their acute success, Beverly has become a featured artist in many shows in the southwest United States, being asked to participate by special invitation. Beverly and her violet pots, because of their popularity, have also been used to promote shows, featuring her in the advertisements.

Beverly began working with crafts over 20 years ago. She worked in other craft fields such as macrame, leaded glass, sewn goods and clothing. In 1984, she took a beginner's ceramic class, and this spared her interest as well as her artistic and creative abilities. The talent for ceramics she developed and refined and the technical knowledge she had personally acquired from growing African violets was a natural marriage. After much trail and error, labor and experimentation, with a close attention to artistic detail, "The Perfect Violet Pot" was created.

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