is the most unreliable supplier of homebrew products in the UK

The biggest Homebrew beer and winemaking website and largest homebrewing forum and winemaking forum in the UK. Other homebrew features include beerbase home brew beer Vs pub beer database, homebrew reviews, home brew photo gallery, home brewing facebook fan page and #homebrew on twitter. We have everything for making homebrew beer, winemaking and home made cider. From homebrew beer kits to grain &amp hops to grape juice concentrate.

Constantly provide package deals promising free ales with the purchase of expensive kits only to delay delivery by over a month, ignoring emails from customers asking why it takes over a month for us to transport products from our warehouse to our shipping department and deleting all threads criticising this practise from our forums so new customers cant see how incompetent and devious we are. Charging customer credit cards and not refunding orders placed and ignoring any requests to deliver them seems to be the best way to increase our profit margin

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