
Breaking News: Boycott The Toronto Sun & Toronto Sun Advertisers! TABLOID JOURNALISM SOLD AS "NEWS" in Canada! We are tired of the press having a free pass to ruin lives with little or no recourse. Tired of reporters like Tracy McLaughlin, aka Tracy McConkey and the newspapers that allow her and others like her to do what they do under the cloak of integrity.  A reporter can report the news, or whatever their interpretation of it under the freedom of the press in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We all agree that this is a fundamental right that we should and do hold dear. Unfortunately, this doesn't work out as great as it sounds in all cases - like when an irresponsible reporters like Tracy McLaughlin, aka Tracy McConkey uses supermarket tabloid style news and sells it to the unsuspecting person who buys the local paper as news. Unfortunately they unknowingly assist in destroying innocent people and or their careers.

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