

Yellow Pages, White Pages, Maps, and more - Switchboard


InfoSpace is a leader in mobile entertainment, private-label search and online directory. Our company is comprised of two divisions — Search & Directory and Mobile.

Our Search and Directory division uses our unique metasearch technology to provide Internet search and directory services. The mobile division offers wireless solutions that help customers build stronger brands and generate incremental revenue. We enable delivery of information and entertainment services to consumers, while creating opportunities for partners, advertisers and content publishers.

InfoSpace Mobile is the leading provider and publisher of mobile content and applications in North America. InfoSpace Mobile makes it possible for media companies and content brands to reach a wide audience of wireless subscribers around the world with the latest content and marketing promotions. InfoSpace Mobile's large catalogue of music, games, graphics and information applications is designed to accelerate widespread adoption of mobile data applications by consumers. These applications and services can be managed and delivered through the InfoSpace Mobile™ platform which provides telco-grade solutions harmonized across all leading mobile technologies, networks, devices and mobile media formats. InfoSpace Mobile's customers include wireless operators, device manufacturers, retailers and entertainment companies.

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DFW Airport TX
United States 75261


Idearc Media Corp
DFW Airport TX
United States 75261

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