SwapBabyGoods.com Buy sell baby clothes & other items


Swap Baby Goods - An online venue to exchange, sell and buy new or used baby items.


SwapBabyGoods.com is a one of a kind online marketplace to buy, sell or exchange baby items that are no longer needed. Our goal is to provide a platform that brings together willing sellers, buyers and swappers in an online marketplace, benefiting everyone involved.

Babies grow so fast and so do their needs. Before we know it, the cute little outfits, baby toys, and other baby items we once could not live without become outgrown and underused, taking up an inordinate amount of space in our homes. The baby item one family is ready to put in the attic or out in the garage sale might be just what another mom or dad is looking for. Our goal is to bring such parents together; we offer an economical and efficient alternative to buying for parents all around.


Kansas City MO, US



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