Custom car/truck appreciation site


Street Source Magazine


Kris is a Co-founder of Street Source. Helping invent the popular online magazine format (page by page, like a print magazine) seen in SSM and most other online magazines in our industry.

With an amazing background in Web Design and Programming, Kris's skills bring the efforts of the Street Source team to life. Kris has a very strong background in web application development and a great eye for design. Kris's development work on the mag helps take Street Source to a whole new level.

Garrick is a Co-founder of Street Source. His responsibilities to the magazine include Editor and Advertising Director (among many others). Garrick has been around the customizing scene since 1993 and has had the pleasure of learning the industry from one of the top editors ever, Mike Shartsis. We insure everyone that with his enthusiasm for this sport and determination; We will provide our readers with nothing but the best from coast to coast.

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Street Challenge, LLC
Parker ID
United States 83438

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