
Star Masters - Online Interactive Multiplayer Galactic Strategy Game


Star Masters is a game of Galactic Exploration and Conquest. You, as a player, take on the role of leader of a Civilization. You decide how to allocate your resources (industry, cash, strength...) to best meet your goals. Best of all, the other Civilizations of the galaxy are all players as well! You determine how you will interact with them.

Star Masters is a high-level game. Objects and Events exist as macroscopic entities. Rather than individual planets, you deal with Systems. Rather than individual ships, you deal with Fleets. Rather than controlling who shoots what at whom, standing combat Orders are given and carried out between turns. Even at this high level of control, "taking your turn" can become very involved once the game gets going.

A System is a Solar System. Systems are rated on how well they facilitate Industry, and how well they facilitate Life. Based on these "ratings" you decide which systems you are interested in colonizing.

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Bethke, Paul
Oconomowoc WI
US 53066



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