
Staffordshire Walkers - Ramblers' Association walking club


About Us

The Staffordshire Walkers are a group of young and enthusiastic walkers. The group is one of many Ramblers' Association young people's groups around the country which are aimed predominately at those in their 20s and 30s. The group started in 2000, and since then we have enjoyed an active programme of both walks and other events. We now have over 60 members from throughout the county and adjacent areas.

Our programme includes both day walks and weekends away. Day walks take place on a Sunday or occasionally a Saturday. We aim to include walks of various distances and terrain to cater for all tastes. Weekends away usually involve one or two nights at a Youth Hostel or similar accommodation.

The group is run by a committee which is elected anually at the AGM, but everyone is invited to suggest ideas for (and volunteer to organise !) events.

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