Six Hats Training drives innovation and improves communication


Six Thinking Hats - de Bono Consulting


Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats training courses. Six Thinking Hats Training helps drive innovative thinking, improve communication, and makes meetings more productive.

In traditional thinking we constantly find ourselves in conflict. Each side seeks to criticize the other point of view. The Six Thinking Hats method, however, encourages Parallel Thinking, where everyone explores all sides of an issue at the same time.

Each of the Six Thinking Hats represents a different direction or type of thinking, which is identified by a color:

White Hat Thinking: Data, facts, information known or needed.
Black Hat Thinking: Difficulties, potential problems. Why something may not work.
Red Hat Thinking: Feelings, hunches, gut instinct, and intuition.
Green Hat Thinking: Creativity - possibilities, alternatives, solutions, new ideas.
Yellow Hat Thinking: Values and benefits. Why something may work.
Blue Hat Thinking: Manage the thinking process, focus, next steps, action plans.




2680 Berkshire Parkway
Suite 110
Clive, IA 50325
United States


Natalie Jenkins
Phone: 515.278.1292



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