
Bay Area Showcase Chorus


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Bay Area Showcase Chorus has been entertaining the Bay Area with a cappella music, barbershop harmony style, since 1956. The chorus, which is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, has a reputation for musical excellence. In April 2004, the chorus won its eighth first place medal in regional competition.

These regional wins have earned the chorus the honor of representing Northern California in several Sweet Adelines international chorus competitions, most recently in September 2003, when the Bay Area Showcase Chorus earned 6th place international medals. This places the chorus among the top Sweet Adelines choruses in the world. With more than 600 choruses world-wide, this is quite an achievement.

The 135 women who are members of the chorus commute from 17 counties and more than 50 communities - from San Francisco to Monterey and east to Sacramento - to sing with our high-caliber performing chorus. Members include business and professional women, homemakers, retirees, and students. Ages have ranged from 14 to beyond telling. Anyone who visits the chorus, or attends one of our shows, soon discovers that we provide an outlet for women who like to sing and dance.

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