
SGI New England | Peace, Culture, & Education


The Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a worldwide association of 76 constituent organizations with membership in 187 countries and territories. In the service of its members and of society at large, the SGI centers its activities on developing the positive human potentialities for individual happiness and for global peace and prosperity. The breadth and focus of its mission derive from the philosophy and practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

Rooted in the life-affirming philosophy of Nichiren, members of SGI share a profound commitment to the values of peace, culture and education. Although the scope and nature of activities conducted in each country differ according to the culture and characteristics of that society, they all grow from the shared understanding of the inseparable linkages that exist between individual happiness and the peace and prosperity of their respective societies.

These values are expressed in the SGI's charter, which embodies core beliefs in the ideal of world citizenship, the spirit of tolerance, and the safeguarding of fundamental human rights. To learn more about the SGI, we encourage you to attend a meeting of members in your community or to drop by our Culture Center during the hours of operation to browse the bookstore and chat with members.



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