
Abacus Education India, Abacus Mental Arithmetic, Abacus Institute, Abacus Academy, Mental arithmetic courses, abacus courses India, mental arithmetic India


'SEMAS Pvt. Ltd.' the abbreviated popular name of Soroban (Abacus) Education for Mental Arithmetic System Private Limited is an approved and registered organization dedicated to propagate the concept of Abacus and Mental Mathematic calculation to the children to explore, discover, unleash, accelerate and energize the hidden talent basing on the improved Japanese Abacus System of Education.

'Semas' is an approved member of Pan Pacific Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association of Taiwan Chamber of Commerce and Chinese Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association, with its affiliation to Miyajima Institute of Soroban Education, Osaka, Japan.

The main object of "Semas' is to explore the talents hidden in younger generation and make them to shine in all their endeavors for their bright future.

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