
Say Yes To Yoga


Kripalu Yoga is a contemporary approach to spiritual practice inspired by the life and teachings of Swami Kripalu (1913-1981). Renowned in India for his love of God, service to humanity and mastery of yoga, this modern-day saint was an accomplished scholar and musician who maintained a rigorous schedule of ten hours of meditation per day for thirty years, observing almost total silence and seldom leaving his meditation room. Through the practice of yoga, Swami Kripalu awakened the latent life forces called "prana" and "kundalini" within his body, and his teachings flowed from a tremendous depth of spiritual experience.

In the first stage of Kripalu Yoga, a student learns how to practice the classic postures of Hatha yoga with relation, deep breathing and proper alignment. Stage One practices strengthens the body and releases chronic tension. An attitude of compassionate self-acceptance is stressed as an essential element of practice. Over time, focusing the mind on the flow of breath and the details of alignment develops concentration and prepares the practitioner for deeper practice.

Kripalu Yoga teaches that there is an intelligent life force called prana that guides the functioning o f both body and mind. The purpose of Stage Two practice is to become attuned to the presence and flow of this life force. Postures are held for longer periods of time, the mind is focused on the sensations, emotions and thoughts that arise during holding, and the body is moved in slow motion as guided from within. An ability to closely observe the interplay of body and mind called witness consciousness is acquired.

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