
Sales Training - Professional Sales Courses - Canada


A professional sales certificate program produced in partnership between Langara College and Knowledge Brokers International, facilitated by sales and leadership guru Shane Gibson, sales performance and leadership development coach and author. Large sales blog and business blog and sales podcast section on this site

A South African Bank founded KBI in 1996. This was done in conjunction with top author, speaker, and entrepreneur Bill Gibson from Canada, as well as with two other well known authors and developers from South Africa as "System Partners". The vision was the exclusive offering of world class training systems and processes to the corporate market worldwide. Through the immediate acceptance in the marketplace of Bill Gibson’s sales development, sales management, and personal marketing systems combined with results based and sustainability producing templates, KBI has developed the reputation of being the provider of "the most comprehensive sales and sales management development and implementation systems" available in the markets they have entered.

KBI is now spearheaded and owned by Bill Gibson and his South African partner Marius Liebenberg. In Canada Shane Gibson owns and operates Knowledge Brokers International Systems Ltd. which markets and implements KBI's solutions in Canada, USA, South America, and presently expanding into the Middle East. With a personally picked and mentored executive team of sales and sales management practitioners, KBI is fast becoming the leader in innovative sales, sales management and results producing systems.

KBI was founded with the vision of providing the most comprehensive sales training system available in the world. Our organization is made up of a global team of highly skilled specialized trainers and executives with decades of experience in the fields of sales, marketing, leadership, transformational management, customer service, and human resource development. The executive team draws their experience from working in and with companies in numerous industries with a specific focus in the following industries; financial services, advertising/media, telecommunications, automotive, insurance, IT, and value added manufacturing.

read more about the professional sales training courses at the Sales Academy

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