


The Safe Teen Driving Club, Inc., help parents educate, monitor and manage their teen drivers. The company provides parents of teen drivers with tools, services and technology solutions they need to monitor the driving habits of their young drivers. With the help of parents, teen drivers can enjoy enhanced safety, security and protection.
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According to the Insurance Information Institute [1], vehicle crashes kill more teens than suicide, homicide, drug, guns and all other causes. Driving crashes are the number one cause of death in the 15-20 age group, with 44% of fatalities resulting from vehicle crashes (National Safety Council).

The cost of teen driving crashes has been estimated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA at some $40 billion per year. One AAA Safety Research Foundation [2] determined that each fatal teen crash kills, on average, two other people. The number of fatal teen vehicle crashes has not fallen substantially for over a decade, as reported by CBS News, the Center for Disease Control and other government agencies.

How to solve this national public health and safety issue? One approach is to clearly establish family rules around driving, and then to enforce them. The Club provides a parent-teen driving agreement that outlines family rules, and requires a signature by parents and teen. Research shows that the act of creating a written agreement does results in fewer crashes, injuries and fatalities in those families -- as opposed to others who decide to "wing it" and hope for the best.

Then, with driving rules clearly understood, the Club provides tools such as GPS vehicle trackers that help parents monitor actual teen driving behavior. Companies managing fleets of commercial vehicles report that monitoring drivers' behavior significantly reduces crash rates. When parents and teens are "on the same page" regarding family rules around driving, monitoring become an easy, foolproof way to check compliance with those rules.

Parent-teen agreements and monitoring services are just a small part of the solution to the teen driving crash rate. Safe Teen Driving Club's goal is to help parents reduce the crash, injury and fatality rates among teen drivers. To this end the Club provides a Learning Center chock full of educational material for parents; advanced driver collision avoidance training; live educational programs for parents and teens; and other services to help parents keep their children safe and alive as they learn to drive.

The company provides financial support to the Joshua Brown Foundation and the National Teen Research Center, to assist them in promoting public policy and research associated with safer teen driving. It also partners with firms nationally who support the goal of reducing teen driving fatalities.

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