
Rosvig AD Agency, Rosvig Reklámügynökség


Excerpted from the website description:

Rosvig Advertising & Marketing Agency
Rosvig Reklámügynökség


magyar (Hungarian) english, german, russian, polish, spanish


Phone: +36 46 560-240

Additional Information


Rosvig is a team of independent spirited men with the aim of serving the needs of the marketing and advertising market. The desire for creation of our people is maintained and developed further by the continuity and amount of work we have. We are lucky enough to have more and more clients who trust us and commission us jobs.

We can follow the changes of the trends in marketing and advertising communication due to the cross-boarder philosophy of our multinational clients. As a result of this, our own development serves your interests as well.

Our aim is to create strategies that are easy to understand and are tailor-made for our clients in order to achieve or to strengthen the desired effect. To reach this goal, besides manpower we use devices that enable us to provide the right frame for the harmony of phantasy and functionality proposed by us.

Advertising is a very flexible process; during its creation the individual prospective is harmonized with the personal requirements of the client in order to achieve the goal that was set in a common understanding.

Respect for our business and for the job to be delivered is our philosophy that is backed by the continuous development and the permanent will to reinvent ourselves. Our developments might seem to be unreasonable sometimes, but we would like to transfer our own standards into practice. We believe that good work can only be delivered by content , creative people using professional technology.

We love our profession and we hope that it shows.

We would like to thank all our clients for enabling us to make a living by doing what we like most.

And finally we would like to thank you for visiting us. '

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