
Dr Sheena Ross - Acupuncture Homepage


Dr S MRoss
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland NN14 4NG


Doctor Sheena Ross was born in Inverness and comes from a farming family in the Black Isle area of Ross and Cromarty, now part of Highland Region. One of six children, she attended Dingwall Academy and went on to study medicine at the University of Edinburgh. She has worked at several leading British hospitals and also in Australia and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, U.S.A.. Currently she is working as a consultant anaesthetist at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon.

As a pain specialist, she became interested in acupuncture and its effectiveness. In 1984 she attended a course in Finland, where acupuncture is very popular, and continued to develop her interest within the N.H.S. until by 1991 she felt ready to establish her own practice. She now has a surgery in Thrapston and a weekly clinic at the Cromwell Clinic in Huntingdon.

Doctor Ross is a member of the British Medical Acupuncture Society, which is only open to doctors, who are conventionally qualified as well as being competent in acupuncture. Although obviously an advocate of the benefits of acupuncture, she feels strongly that it should be used as an additional weapon in the doctor’s armoury, rather than a panacea.

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