
Romiir Labs: News


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Romiir Labs is a not-for-profit organization with a simple straight forward goal. Romiir Labs was formerly known as the Romiir Pages and used to be hosted by Then one day Jimmy (the owner of dbspot) decided he had put up with enough abuse from some of the idiots he hosted and went crazy and deleted every file on the webserver other then his own site. Includeing the entire creation of the Romiir Pages which I had put years of time into. The site was rather active back then and had a matrix theme. We hosted many flash games, but without the annoying ad's that sites like miniclip have, and with a nice computer literate community which helped eachother with computer problems. After dbspot deleted everything, I was rather sad I had put so much work into such a nice portal, but about this time, I got an offer from my old friend ctd1500 to host my website. Only problem was, I (on dialup at the time) hadn't backed up any of the Romiir Pages, I had thought servers were intended to hold data...and hadn't created backups due to the fact that backing up a web portal on 56k stole hours of time away from me that I needed to use doing other things. So I set out to make a brand new site, and I droped the old name due to the fact that these are no longer the romiir pages, and probally never will be.

As I finally get to writeing this today, I believe we have 25 members, and about 5 of them are actually active.. What I ended up with was a very generic unthemed site with Romiir Labs across the top... Then a few months and many hours later I finally had time to make graphics and get a nice blue theme going, this theme is the one you see today. Romiir Labs is still hosted on a webserver in a high-speed datacenter provided 100% free by my friend ctd1500, the owner of coolchat-irc ( and I am grateful to him for provideing this. The first year of the romiir labs domain name was provided by a promotion from domaindiscount24, and now this year is covered from my own pocket...the first expense I have ever paid on this site. Romiir Labs is generally here to promote new content on the overall computer genre and host things which Romiir and his friends value highly. This place might not seem like much, but I do what I can to keep it running, and people like you who read this can add pretty much anything to it you wish. Romiir Labs is not truely owned, it is just 'overseen' by romiir, and owned by its users and community. Without that community, theres no point in it existing.

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