

CT Rivers Alliance


Rivers Alliance of Connecticut is the only statewide nonprofit dedicated to protecting and enhancing Connecticut’s rivers, streams, and watersheds. We promote and support environmentally sound state policies, assist the state’s many watershed and river groups, and educate the public about the importance of water conservation and aquatic habitats. We are a membership-based nonprofit corporation founded in 1992. Our 600 members include 100 organizations.

James Creighton (President) is the treasurer of the Mattabesset River Watershed Association and is an Environmental Analyst in the Permitting and Enforcement Bureau of Water Management at the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Marc Taylor, M.D. (Vice President) is a director of the Housatonic Valley Association and the Southbury Land Trust Boards. He is founder and co-chairman of the Pomperaug River Watershed coalition.

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Rivers Alliance
Collinsville CT
United States 6022



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