
Boyers Genealogy


Jacob Boyers was born December 18, 1823 in Lancaster, PA and died April 4, 1864, in Fulton County, Ohio. The following was handwritten about Jacob, by his grandson and my grandfather, Levi Boyers. Levi was born August 27, 1894 in Fulton County and died October 13, 1985, in Jackson, Michigan.

In Levi's words and without corrections. "Jacob Boyers at Landcaster, and left those parts when he was 13 yr old. Went west to the western part of Ohio, in 1836, he went with his Uncle & Mother, this Section was later named Fulton County. History tells of his Uncle two Indians and a small boy, of building a log house, being the first house built in that teritory. Jacob worked for a man named (Walters) for some time. History does not tell how long Jacob worked for this man, but he got for his pay 80 acre of heavy timber white Oak and Black Walnut, Jacob gave the man $125.00 in cash, got married 1844 to Lydia Jewel. They Built a cabbin and had five children. In 1852 he and two Brotherinlaws, went to the gold fields in Uba California. I Levi son of Dalton and Grandson of Jacob, have a Ring & watch made from some of the gold, also have three letters written in 1853 to his wife and she had wrote to him, they are still legable, written by a quill pen. When he come home he built a Barn, and History tells us that it was Built mostly of Black walnut as they had plenty of that timber. Jacob joined the army in 1863, but never got in Battle, but took Sick they put him on a horse, Sent him home. Only lived a few days, died Apr 4- 1864. This ending the chapter of Jacob Boyers."

My research adds the following. In the book, "History Of Fulton County" by Thomas Mikesell, 1905, on page 246, it states, "During the summer or autumn of 1836, William Jones, (Jacobs stepfather) known as "Long Bill," came with his family to the southwest part of the township, where he began to prepare a home in the woods." Later it says, "Upon their arrival in the township, the members of the Jones family at first lived in their wagon and under the shelter of rude temporary abodes, built of poles, brush and blankets, while the father went to work to construct a rough cabin, of round logs. Pleasant was the task of removing to their cabin, humble though it was. These were probably the only persons residing in Dover during the year 1836."

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