
The Rio Laja Watershed


About Salvemos el Rio Laja

Salvemos el Rio Laja, A.C. is a private non-profit organization dedicated to conserving and rehabilitating the Rio Laja Watershed including Santa Rosa, the major watershed forest. It is headquartered in the well-known colonial city of San Miguel de Allende. Salvemos el Rio Laja was founded in 1998 by former officers of Sociedad Audubon de Mexico located in San Miguel in the Rio Laja valley and members of the Fundacion Ecologia de Guanajuato located in the endangered forest of Santa Rosa, which covers the mountains at the western rim of the watershed near the city of Guanajuato.

The organization, with the exception of two river restoration technicians, is comprised entirely of volunteers. It consists of six officers, nine directors and many other dedicated people. The organization provides scientific, technical and financial support to agencies in the watershed area.


Partnerships have been formed with several non-profit groups in the watershed, including FAI, Fundacion de Apoyo Infantile, A.C.(Save the Children), CASA, a health care and family planning agency, Cuerpos de Conservacion Guanajato A.C., a conservation group working in the forest of Santa Rosa, Peña Alta, A.C., working to protect a forest in the north of the state, and other local agencies. These groups have counselors or extension agents who teach villagers living along the river how to do the labor-intensive restroation work.

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