RibbonsAndPearls.co.uk sells glamorous wedding dresses in Cookham, Berks.


Designer Dresses Without the Wait


Ribbons and Pearls was formed in 2004 as a business to offer perfect wedding dresses at an affordable price and with no waiting. Brand new wedding dresses often cost a fortune and can take many months to arrive. Buying a dress on the Internet can be fraught with risk; one can find a dress and then on delivery it doesn’t look right, or it is in poor condition having been stuck under a bed for two years without having been cleaned! If you don't like the dress, it can be difficult saying no to the girl who wore it. You don't know what you're getting until it arrives and then sadly it is too late to find a replacement. We offer a place to try on the dress before you buy. Let your dress reflect your style and not your budget.

Ribbons and Pearls addresses the risks and ensures that all dresses are perfect for you, both in condition and fit. We like to encourage customising for you to create your own unique look; bodices and skirts can be mixed and matched, accessories added for finishing touches and alterations undertaken to restyle and fit perfectly. W e also have a lot of experience with different styles, so we can help you choose what will make you look beautiful on the day.

We offer absolute discretion to both buyers and sellers, and will never divulge the background of the dress or any history associated with it. You can both buy and sell in complete confidence: it will be our secret; no-one needs ever to know.

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