

Welcome to the RFU website


We all need the help of a firefighter from time to time. Whether it's a fire in someone's house, a road accident or a warehouse up in flames, firefighters are very much needed in every community. Have you ever thought about becoming one? The hard fact is that we need you every bit as much as you need us. There's a shortage of people at the moment who will "turn out" and help us on a part-time basis. The problem is worse in small towns and rural areas because nowadays there are fewer people who both live and work in small communities and this has put local services under threat. The retained Fire Service is an important and cost-effective part of these local services. This page tells you what you could do to help.

We've got builders and shopkeepers, farmers and plumbers, typists and technicians. They're doing everyday jobs until the call comes. And then, quite literally, they put on their other hat and become professional firefighters. That's not some kind of back-up team: it's the front-line force savings lives and making headlines. What do you have to do to join these "ordinary" people?

Firstly you should work or live somewhere near a fire station, because you have to be able to get there within a few minutes of a call. That's a few hundred yards on foot or a drive of up to two or three miles.

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