
Remuneration Tribunal Home Page


The current Members are:

Mr John Conde AO – President - appointed on 25 June 2003 for five years. Mr Conde was originally appointed as a member of the Remuneration Tribunal on 18 June 1998. Mr Conde is the Chairman of Energy Australia and the Medical Benefits Fund of Australia Limited. Mr Conde is Director of Excel Coal Limited and PowerTel Limited and also holds positions on the boards of the NSW Corporate Committee of the Australian Olympic Committee, Sydney Symphony Orchestra and the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust.

Ms Janet Grieve – -appointed from 12 April 2005 for five years. Ms Grieve was originally appointed as a member of the Tribunal on 12 April 2000. Ms Grieve is Chairman of Michels Warren Pty Ltd, a Director of Flinders Technologies Pty Ltd, a member of the Information Economy Advisory Board advising the South Australian Government. Ms Grieve has sat formerly on a number of industry and government boards.

Mr John Allen - appointed 27 August 2003 for five years. Mr Allen is Principal of John D.C. Allen & Associates, Chairman of the Australian Government Solicitor Advisory Board and a member of the Council of Leadership Victoria (The Williamson Community Leadership Program).

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