
Recess Wellness: Corporate Wellness Program, Yoga Instruction, Employee Fitness | Portland, Vancouver, Seattle


Recess brings the studio to our customers, offering expertise, experience and a full service wellness facility on-site in living rooms, boardrooms, classrooms or on-site fitness facilities. We help people save time, lower stress, prevent illness and maximize health and overall well-being.

Our clients run the gamut, from couples looking to get in peak performance for athletic events to medically frail individuals looking to recover with health and physical fitness to corporations wanting to create a fun and healthy work environment. By conducting careful analysis and then implementing diet and nutrition, physical fitness, relaxation and stress management services on-site, we offer tools for good health from the convenience of the home or workplace.

Our team of health and business professionals collaborate to create innovative wellness solutions which inform and empower people and organizations of all levels of health to develop a sustainable, well-adjusted outlook on health and well-being.

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