
Real Crash


Excerpted from the website:

Orble is a blogging community with many hundreds of member blogs which cover all kinds of topics from Music to Movies, Dancing to Dining, and Parenting to Politics. The Orble Homepage displays the most recent and most popular posts taken from all the Orble blogs.
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Additional Information is a site about the continuing economic and political "crash" we in the United States are in, and actually all civilization is in. The site "realcrash" is educated in and enlightened by the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche and the [1], LaRouche Youth movement, but is not a deployment of them exactly. We talk about how since 1971, when Nixon took the dollar of the gold exchange standard, we have turned the US Dollar into a world currency, based on IMF (Intl Monetary Fund) conditionalities.

   This is why we need a New Bretton Woods, in the tradition of 

Franklin Roosevelt' Bretton Woods conference, and the rebuilding of the world after the horrors of Nazism and war.

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