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What is ReadAssist?

ReadAssist is an organization of individuals interested in assisting individual to read and communicate via the Internet. ReadAssist is not incorporated or organized as a legal entity.

How did ReadAssist come about?

On October 11, 2000, the Baen Free Library was established as a matter of principle at the urging of Eric Flint, professional science fiction author. Anyone who wishes can read these titles online, or download them in one of several formats, with no strings attached. Eric disagreed with a number of people over the issue of online piracy of copyrighted works and what to do about it. So with the agreement of his publisher Jim Baen and some other authors, he made one of his own books available online, along with one by David Weber, one by David Drake, and two written jointly by himself and Drake. The Baen Free Library was born. Eric subsequently received about a hundred emails supporting the project. Two of those letters -- one of them written by Jimmy G. -- were from readers of science fiction with severe physical handicaps who explained what a boon for them the Free Library would be. Since then, the Baen Free Library has expanded, with more authors making their works available.

How is ReadAssist managed?

The managing group of ReadAssist is a board of several individuals (originally 10) organized into various working committees. The funds donated to ReadAssist are in the custody of a Treasurer. The Finance Committee supervises the Treasurer. The board of ReadAssist approves all disbursing actions over $50.

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