

Knitting yarns knitting wools knitting patterns. Knit fancy yarns. Knit natural alpaca. Knit merino wool. Knitting silk. Knitting mohair. Free knitting patterns


Ruth and Matthew Benge formed The Rare Yarns Company following the successful launch of the Tasman range of alpaca knitting yarns for the Australian Alpaca Co-Op. They have a long commitment to producing dye-free natural boutique knitting yarns using fibre from alpacas, llamas, coloured sheep and goats.

Wishing to broaden the appeal of unique and unusual knitting yarns, Ruth says, “Rare Yarns came from the simple idea that knitters are passionate about yarns that are beautiful, out of the ordinary and great to use.”

As Ruth says, “We live in a world full of man-made fibres, some very beautiful, but there really is nothing better than natural knitting yarns, especially ones with the lightness, softness and touch of ours. We believe people are looking for things that are hard to find, and how often does a company offer extraordinary yarns that exceed your expectations?”

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