

Kingswinford's Alternative Guide - Ralph's Surf Shack. A K'ford site for K'ford people


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Ralphssurfshack.co.uk (RSS) started off back in 2000 as a very basic site allowing a few friends, all originating from Kingswinford, to keep in contact with each other on a daily basis. As these pals also had various alternative K’ford photos and stories we thought it would be a good idea to share this information via a website for all Kingswinford residents to enjoy. Word quickly got around and since the formation of RSS we are currently enjoying around 80,000 hits per month which in turn has lead to an average of 25 messages per day. To put this into perspective there are various online communities who boast in excess of 25,000 users (entire population of Kingswinford) yet receive far fewer messages. Since April 2004 RSS has moved away from the basic website style, creating a user-friendly entertaining environment allowing users to post messages, create polls and even shop online.

Another question we regularly get asked is 'Who is Ralph?'. Well, Ralph was Kingswinford Park's (King George V's) park keeper for many years. He cut the grass, picked up litter and pruned the hedges making sure that the park always was in tip-top condition. Generally a nice guy who loved nothing more than to puff on a Park Drive but when crossed he had the temper of a castrated bulldog (I once had my hair pulled by the main man for deliberately throwing used chip papers onto his beautifully kept bowling green. Brought tears to my eyes like never before). Sadly Ralph passed away from our physical world in 2002 but be rest assured his spirit lives on in the form of this website.




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