is an alternative youth & education radio


RadioIndustrie is a young, alternative community & education radio in Zug city. As a non-commercial swiss local radio it is a member of UNIKOM.


On the 27. of April 2007 it was decided, during the 25 year anniversary of the youth culture center industrie45, to establish a new radio. First, it just existed as an online radio but then within a short while, in cooperation with WWZ, the possibility to broadcast via cable was pursued: so since August '07 RadioIndustrie can be listend to also on 101.65 MHz via cable. To introduce the project to a wider audience the radio had the chances to broadcast for a month at a time via UKW aswell: in summer '07 & '08 the radio was accessible all over canton Zug day & night.


During the first two years on air solid structures began to emerge and ever new shows & hosts developed together with the editoral staff an steadily expanding offer for the listeners. The show hosts work voluntarily and so there often are changes in the schedule, but some hosts still are moderating from the very beginning of the project and their shows have their constant place in the (radio) culture landscape of Zug. Since summer '09 RadioIndustrie also has a reporter team, which works journalistically and produces current-themed articles and specials.


RadioIndustrie plays a steadily renewing music selection that can be categorized in various styles. Early in the morning the day rotation begins with different artists representing an eclectic taste. In the evening there are hosted show and specific music themes. After that the music dives into the night rotation with more relaxed and easy vibes.


All shows that already went throught the aether can also be listened to and downloaded anytime as a podcast. Besides all the shows there's also other audio content like cuts from concerts and other live material.

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