
Publicom-usa - Bright Ideas in Business Communication


In 1986, Gary expanded into business communications, capitalizing on accumulated media expertise for his clients' benefit. Simultaneously, he also began providing business writing services in the interests of some of these same clients. He has developed countless targeted business marketing materials such as press releases, case studies, white papers, annual reports, advertorials, content rich Web site copy, business articles, infomercial scripts and brochures.

With many years of newsroom experience, Gary speaks the language of the reporter and editor. He understands their needs and eccentricities. He also has an appreciation for when they value his participation and when they should be left alone. He also knows how to assess a client's business or professional actions, then translate them into topics most likely to be considered "newsworthy."

Gary's greatest demonstrated strength is an ability to develop both strategic and tactical approaches to all communications missions: from securing premium client coverage that is highly valued, to developing perfect documents that power many business initiatives.

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