- Online resource on drugs and related info

About US Prescription Drugs. Doctor's advices on take a drugs - Description, Interactions, Side Effects. Medical News and Articles on

The mission is to be the Internet’s most trusted resource for drug and related health information. We will achieve this aim by presenting independent, objective, comprehensive and up-to-date information in a clear and concise format for both consumers and healthcare professionals. is NOT an online pharmacy is NOT an online pharmacy and does not condone the sale of prescription medicines over the Internet without a prescription. simply provides a free drug-information service to help you better understand how medicines work: their uses, side effects and potential to interact with other medicines. For information on purchasing prescription medicines online please visit the FDA’s Buying Prescription Medicine Online: A Consumer Safety Guide. Advertising Policy

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"We care about your health"

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Drugs List - A to Z - Drugs & Medications - The resource below have been provided to help narrow your search to specific, targeted drug information.

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Contact address: Drugsite Trust 25 Apollo Drive, Suite A North Shore Auckland 0632 United States

Phone: +647 276 0044


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