
Welcome to Stephanie Yeh's Practical Magic Coaching



Boulder Colorado
United States 80305
(970) 323-8643


Stephanie Yeh
Olathe Colorado
United States 81425


About Me – Stephanie Yeh

Greetings! My name is Stephanie Yeh and I am a coach, teacher, communicator, and an eternal student of this magical process called life. As a coach, I strive to offer my clients tools and skills that enable them to attract the things they desire into their lives. These tools and skills fall into two different categories -- soft magic and hard magic. The use of soft magic develops our intuitive abilities, and teaches us to use our spirit abilities more fully. Examples of soft magic include meditation, exercises to restore personal power, and work with angels and animal totems. Hard magic focuses more on concrete, practical drills and procedures that sharpen our intent and focus, are intended for particular applications, and produce specific outcomes. Examples of hard magic include split paper drills, consistency exercises, limited spell work (formalized intention), and simulacra magic. I work with each of my clients to develop a tailored program of both soft and hard magic to fit the desired goals and outcomes, as well as personality types and levels of comfort.

Each year I take on a particular area of study -- an annual project. This year my project is the study of the creative process. Although I already have a very strong understanding of this area, I am studying in greater detail questions such as:

As I study this process, I continue to deepen my magical and shamanic knowledge by taking further courses of study and teaching at the Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic. To find out more about these courses, visit the Esoteric School website.

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