- Religious help for people struggling with p*rn


 : : National PornSunday™: : :


what is PornSunday?

Over 100 churches throughout the country have taken part in National PornSunday. Now is your chance to bring hope to those who are struggling with pornography. For some it is ludicrous to link three X’s with church. For others it’s long overdue. The one undeniable truth that can’t be ignored is the blatant push for all things sexual in our society. PornSunday seeks to drive the conversation about pornography into our churches, families and lives. PornSunday wants to bring healing and recovery to those struggling with pornography.

One day. One message. Your voice. Churches across the country have become the strength and hope for those struggling with this dirty little secret, now it’s your churches opportunity. PornSunday is simple. Pick the date the works best for your church. Spend the morning services hashing out the issues of pornography. Sunday night, screen the film Missionary Positions, the story of Craig Gross and Mike Foster’s journey of faith into the world of pornography. And then, be equipped to talk about pornography and be prepared for the events that follow after addressing your congregation and viewing Missionary Positions. has compiled some of the best resources dealing with pornography all in one PornSunday kit, equipping your church to talk about pornography and prepairing your church to deal with the issues after PornSunday is over.

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craig gross
corona ca
United States 92877

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