
Polarsirkelen Kjemiske Fagforening


The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions is following with concern the strong reaction from the Arab and Islamic world to the cartoons on Prophet Moham­med in Jyllands-Posten in Denmark, later copied by the news­paper Maga­zinet in Norway.

Follow the link below to read LO-Norways letter to the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions about the cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten and the Norwegioan newspaper Magazinet.

The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions is following with concern the strong reaction from the Arab and Islamic world to the cartoons on Prophet Moham­med in Jyllands-Posten in Denmark, later copied by the news­paper Maga­zinet in Norway. This is a small newspaper, coming three times a week in 5.300 copies, its owner being a very conservative Christian congregation. Hence, Magazinet is not an influential Norwegian newspaper.

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