
Penelope Flowers - modern, contemporary florist, Belfast


Penelope Flowers opened in October 2001 and has changed the way people can buy flowers today. We based the retail concept on the modern designs of Dutch flower shops, spacious and open with all the flowers on display. This allows the customer to actually select their own flowers, or alternatively call on the knowledge and expertise of our in-house florists.

Creativity, imagination and originality are key factors in all our work as none of our floral concepts or bouquets are copied from books or mass produced, ensuring that you get that something special every time you visit Penelope Flowers .

Flower stocks are delivered three times per week ensuring that your bouquets are as fresh as possible. As the seasons change so do the varieties of flowers we stock. However if you want a particular bloom not currently in stock, we will endeavour to have it imported especially for you. So go on, change the way you buy flowers and drop into Penelope Flowers...

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